Adega Cartuxa took its name from its proximity to the Mosteiro da Cartuxa (Cartuxa Monastery), erected in the mid-16th century, a name which has endured to the present day. . It was sold at auction as part of a long-term plan instigated after the Liberal Revolution of 1820, whereby Church and Crown properties were nationalised and then sold off to private buyers. The Estate was inherited by his son, Carlos Maria Eugenio de Almeida, who immersed himself in expanding the agricultural production of Casa Agricola Eugenio de Almeida.The new Cartuxa Winery, situated on the Herdade de Pinheiros estate, can take all the grapes grown in Foundation vineyards and is fitted with three technological innovations that set it apart from the rest. These are: efficient refrigeration capacity; facility to sort the grapes on arrival at the winery and the ability to move musts and wine around by force of gravity.